Google Sites Available Without Google Apps

Google Sites as part of Google Apps for companies and organizations that wanted to use the service on their own domains. Now Google have made it easy for anyone to set up a website to share all types of information -- team projects, company intranets, community groups, classrooms, clubs, family updates, you name it -- in one place, for a few people, a group or the world.

The sites are available at: and there doesn't seem to be a limit for the number of sites you can create. You can create as many web pages as you like, but each site has a storage quota of only 100 MB.


google-sites-login-may-2008 this is Dotcom-seo blog's Google site.

Also I created like this URL "Goooooogle" but no use.

Google Sites offered no SEO benefits. because all external links include rel=nofollow  Angry  Crying


Please stop reading this post and visit Google Sites immediately. because if you are late, someone else may grab your favorite URL(s). like me  ... Rolling on the floor